The Gold No Trade theater company is based in Brooklyn, New York. Founded by two performers who met at the Lecoq school in Paris, Gold No Trade creates rich new works using simple means. We strip theater down to its most essential, combining language, narrative and striking visual imagery to ignite both passion and intellect.

Our plays are built from a range of historical sources and speak to contemporary issues by revisioning forgotten moments in history. They combine elements of lo-tech design, rigorous research, literary language, object puppetry, mimodynamics and our own style of physical theater. Each piece is developed through extended periods of collaboration that include work-in-progress showings to small audiences and workshops. Our shows have performed in Asia, Europe and the United States.

An important part of Gold No Trade’s mission is to support women in the arts, both on and off the stage. We pride ourselves in creating strong and nuanced female characters in our work and by offering women an important role behind the scenes in production, play-writing and company management.

The company is also committed to providing a more deep theatrical experience by joining performances wherever possible with audience talkbacks, expert panel discussions, historical bibliographies and other supporting materials for further reading and discovery.

Gold No Trade’s name comes from a plant historically valued more than gold for its curative properties. We like to think our theater—smart, surprising and historically based—offers a cultural currency equally valuable.