Category Work

The Subtle Body

Meet John Floyer, eccentric, dyspeptic, and idealistic–sometimes to the point of delusion. He’s off to China to make his name. There, he “discovers” pulse diagnosis–nevermind the Chinese have known about it for centuries… An historic comedy about China, the West and innerworkings of the human heart.

The Pinks, or How the Pinkerton Detectives defeat the Wild Rose of the Confederacy, No. 3.

A tautly written historical fiction that examines the deeper drives behind Allan Pinkerton and two women: Kate Warne, the first female detective and Confederate spy Rose Greenhow.

Floating Brothel

Adapted from historical accounts, Floating Brothel follows three women on their harrowing year-long voyage from the underbelly of London to the underside of the world.


A comedy about a family of earnest and inept puppeteers eking out their living with chaotic results.


Once upon a time, an arthritic donkey, a cat who is past her prime and well-read rooster set out on the dark road to Brementown.

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